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Eiko Ishibashi
Eiko Ishibashi is a musician based in Japan. She plays piano, synth, flute, marimba and drums. She has released albums on labels such as Drag City, Black Truffle, Editions Mego and felicity, etc. In January 2020, she produced music for the exhibition ‘Japan Supernatural’ at the Art Gallery of New South Wales, Sydney, which was presented at the museum during the Sydney Festival. The music was presented at the Art Gallery of New South Wales during the Sydney Festival. In 2021, composed music for the film Drive My Car, which won Discovery of the year at the World Soundtrack Awards and the Music Award at the Asian Film Awards. 2022 ‘For McCoy’ was released on Black Truffle and toured in the US, UK and Europe. 2022 - joined UK radio station NTS as a resident in 2022. _JAP_石橋英子は日本を拠点に活動する音楽家。ピアノ、シンセ、フルート、マリンバ、ドラムなどの楽器を演奏する。Drag City、Black Truffle、Editions Mego、felicityなどからアルバムをリリース。2020年1月、シドニーの美術館Art Gallery of New South Walesでの展覧会「Japan Supernatural」の展示の為の音楽を制作、シドニーフェスティバル期間中に美術館にて発表された。2021年、映画「ドライブ・マイ・カー」の音楽を担当、World Soundtrack AwardsのDiscovery of the yearとAsian Film Awardsの音楽賞を受賞。2022年「For McCoy」をBlack Truffleからリリース、アメリカ、イギリス、ヨーロッパでツアーを行う。2022年より英ラジオ局NTSのレジデントに加わる。