Eriko Fujitani

Born in 1996 and currently based in her birthplace, Kurume City, Fukuoka, Japan. After graduating from Musashino Art University's Department of Imaging Arts and Sciences, she worked at a design office in Nobeoka City, Miyazaki Prefecture. In 2023, she established her own firm and is currently working with a team called ‘yoon’, which she set up with her husband, Gaku Ono. While playing with images, Fujitani is thinking of ways to use images that are useful to someone else._JAP_藤谷衿子。1996年福岡県久留米市出身・在住。武蔵野美術大学映像学科卒業後、宮崎県延岡市のデザイン事務所に勤務。地域のPVやテレビCMなど幅広いジャンルの映像のディレクションを経験。2023年に独立し、夫である小野岳と立ち上げたyoonというチームで活動中。映像で遊びつつ、誰かの役に立つ映像の使い方を考えています。