



Anna and her lover Ryuji are happy on a Sunday morning. Then, out of the blue, Tsukumo, a second-hand book buyer, comes to assess Rakugo books in the house. Anna, who had forgotten that her husband Toshiro had requested it, has no choice but to invite Tsukumo in, leaving Ryuji to go and buy a drink. While Tsukumo, a Rakugo fanatic, is delighted by the precious material on the bookshelves, Toshiro returns home earlier than planned. At that moment, Ryuji tries to pass himself off as Tsukumo and pretend to be a trader, just like in a Rakugo story…

Genre / ジャンル:
Comedy / コメディ
Cast / キャスト:
渡部 直也、阪本 竜太、吉見 茉莉奈、佐田 淳、佐藤 晶愉輝
Country / 国名:
Japan / 日本